Monday, June 14, 2010

Cid the Lilty Pin-Up: Uncensored (Mature Content)

A sexy pin-up of Cid the Lilty from FFCC: The Crystal Bearers. I think I'm the ONLY one who's ever drawn (or even thought of drawing) Cid nude. XD Whatever, he's still hot to me. =)

[[[ Cid: "Viraveth, this is a little embarrassing... How come you want to see me in poses like this?" *blushes*
Viraveth: "Because you're a hot slice of oniony sex." *licks her lips*
Cid: "Oh my..." *blushes deeper* ]]]


(By the way, Viraveth is my fan character for The Crystal Bearers. Art of her is on my deviantART page:

And now for the sexy pin-up!

Mature Content Ahead

Warning: This image contains male nudity.

Enough warning for ya? Here's the image. =D

Drew this with my tablet in Photoshop.

Cid the Lilty © Square Enix
This drawing © Me, Courtz

I might be coloring this, and I'll definitely be drawing more of Cid (and Viraveth) soon. =D

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on the drawing Sina, it like Cid all nude because he the king or something lol.

